Gifted and Talented

Gifted and Talented Services:
At YISD, all teachers are trained to work with Gifted and Talented students. Teachers give GT students opportunities to work as a group, with other students, and independently. They differentiate lessons and activities to meet students needs and allow creative exploration beyond curriculum guidelines. Students are encouraged to question and express their ideas verbally and in writing, and to pursue topics in depth at a pace that matches their abilities and interests. Services are available during the school day and throughout the entire school year. All programs are comprehensive, structured, sequenced, and appropriately challenging for gifted and talented students. All campuses offer unique Gifted and Talented opportunities. To learn more about what your student’s school offers, contact the GT Designee at the student’s school.
Elementary GT Services
Elementary gifted and talented students are serviced in regular education classrooms through their area of strength in any of the four core academic areas. In addition, elementary students are “pulled out” from the regular classroom to work with the GT Designee on enriched, in-depth, challenging activities with other gifted students. Students also have opportunities to work independently and with teams on projects that require reading, research, writing, and higher levels of thinking. To learn more about what your student’s school offers, contact the GT Designee at the student’s school.